Shine Vinyasa Yoga School

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program

SVYS is accredited through Yoga Alliance International and is an in-person YTT program designed to create independent, creative, intuitive, knowledgeable, fun, and safe yoga teachers who understand and can articulate the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of yoga poses, sequencing, and class design and who are passionate about the art and science of yoga!

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School was founded with the intention of helping those who have a love and passion for yoga continue to grow and learn about their own practice, learn how to safely lead intentional practices for others, and to create a well-rounded approach to understanding the “what”, “how’, and “why” of our yoga practice. Your experience with SVYS is not about earning a piece of paper at the end, but instead about exploring your curiosity, expanding your knowledge base, and building confidence as a leader and yoga guide. I cannot stress enough that even after the completion of this program, it is infinitely important that you never stop being a student first and foremost! The purpose of SVYS is not to create a bunch of mini-Sarah’s teaching memorized flows, but instead to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to build your own sequences, be able to articulate the “why” of each pose, and to deepen your relationship with yourself and your practice. 

Your Lead Instructor, Sarah Weyenberg, E-RYT 500+, YACEP

Sarah Weyenberg, owner of Shiny Happy Yoga online studio and founder of Shine Vinyasa Yoga School has been teaching yoga since 2001 and has over 14,000 studio teaching hours teaching in facilities in Los Angeles, Chicago, and now the Green Bay Area. She started her yoga journey teaching at a YMCA in Los Angeles, started her certification process with Beth Shaw, founder of YogaFit in Hermosa Beach, CA and continued to study Power Vinyasa with Rolf Gates in the Chicagoland area in 2012. Since starting her yoga journey in 2001, she has also received training and certifications in Pilates, SUP yoga, Yin yoga, Aerial yoga, Reiki, Personal Training, and ACE Group Fitness Instructor. In addition to her various mindful movement certifications, Sarah also has a Bachelors Degree in Education and Special Education. In addition to teaching studio classes, Sarah also teaches private clients, athletes of all levels, is a health & wellness coach, and mentors fellow yoga instructors. She has a deep respect for the Yoga Instructor profession and is passionate about ensuring only knowledgeable, safe, and integrious instructors are entering the field.

The Shine Vinyasa Yoga School meets the standards set by Yoga Alliance International to become a Registered Yoga Teach (RYT) at the 200 hour level and is also a registered business entity with DFI.  Yoga Alliance International  requires a minimum of 180 contact hours and 20 non-contact hours of self study and/or homework. A certificate of completion is earned after all contact and non-contact hours are completed in a satisfactory manner. Contact hours are earned through attendance and non-contact hours are earned by satisfactorily completing all assignments, homework, journaling, and passing the final practicum. 

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School Mission Statement: 

SVYS’s mission is to equip yoga teachers with the knowledge and confidence to create and lead safe, accessible, and fun yoga practices.

What you can expect to learn/experience throughout your YTT journey with Shine Vinyasa Yoga School:

*discuss the ancient roots of yoga and how it has modernized

*explore other types of yoga and learn more about the lineage of Vinyasa yoga in particular 

*introduction to the Yoga Sutras, the Eight Limbs of Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads and reflect on how thee ancient yoga texts/philosophies relate to the modern day practice 

*learn anatomy, how it relates to the practice of yoga and how to apply what we have learned to keep the body safe 

*learn about the sympathetic & parasympathetic systems and how they relate to various yoga poses and the overall mind-body connection

*explore the “how”, “what”, and “why” of each yoga pose, along with contraindications and modifications 

*learn how to cue poses and pranayama effectively and efficiently 

*learn how to balance ease and effort in poses

*learn various pranayama and meditation techniques 

*explore the Chakras and how they relate to various yoga poses and overall class design

*learn how to develop your voice as a teacher, while developing safe, fun, and accessible yoga classes for all

*deepen your experience as a yoga student (NEVER stop being a student!)

* grow in confidence both on and off your mat

Program Schedule

Immersion Weekends:

Fridays 1-7pm

Saturdays 8am-8pm

Sundays 8am-4pm

and Wednesdays 5-8pm

Sample Saturday Schedule:

9am 30min discussion on homework/self reflection/group share

9:30am 60-75 min Master Class/practice

10:30am 120min Yoga Philosophy Discussion

12:30 1 hour lunch break

1:30pm 90min discussion covering the role of the teacher and class sequencing 

3pm 60min introduction to cuing 

15min break

3:15pm 60 min introduction to poses from on the back

4:15pm 60 min introduction to poses from all 4s

5:15pm meal break

6:15pm 90min continuing discussion on poses from all 4s

7:45pm 15min pranayama or guided meditation to close the day 

8pm Students dismissed 

Required Texts:

“Science of Yoga” by Ann Swanson

“The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali” translation by Chip Hartranft

“How Yoga Works” by Geshe Michael Roach and Christie McNally

“Yoga and the Pursuit of Happiness” by Sam Chase

“Chakra Meditation” by Swami Saradananda 

“Perfectly Imperfect. The Art and Soul of Yoga Practice” by Baron Baptiste

(Approximate additional cost: $90)

Included in cost of program: The Shiny Vinyasa Yoga School 200 hour course manual 

Recommended Texts:

“Yoga Anatomy” by Leslie Kaminoff

“The Yamas and Niyamas” by Deborah Adele

“The Eight Limbs of Yoga; a Handbook for Living Yoga Philosophy” by Stuart Ray Sarbacker and Kevin Kimple

“Bhagavad Gita” translation by Stephen Mitchell

“Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques” by Mark Stephens 

"The Complete Guide of Yin Yoga” by Bernie Clark 

Additional supplies needed:

-a yoga mat



Highly recommended items:

-Bolster (I would recommend Hugger Mugger brand)

-A yoga blanket

-2 blocks (cork or foam is fine)

Requirements for Program Admission:

*applicants must be 18+ years of age

*minimum of 6 months of a regular yoga practice 

*be physically and mentally willing and able to practice and teach yoga

*applicants must have access to a computer, printer, and email

*Must complete and submit the SVYS application and complete personal consultation with Lead Instructor (either via Zoom, phone call, or in person), and complete the $100 application fee

Program Description:

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School is a certified and registered yoga school by Yoga Alliance International, which is an international accreditation organization for yoga teachers and yoga schools. This training is approved by YAI  to train students to become registered yoga teachers at the 200 hour level (RYT-200). The 180 contact hours are led by lead instructor, Sarah Weyenberg, E-RYT 500

Yoga Philosophy  (30 hours):

You will become familiar with major yogic texts, the history of yoga, Shiny Vinyasa Yoga School’s lineage, the relationship between asana, pranayama, and mediation, and self reflect on how yoga philosophy relates to the practice of yoga

Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics  (25  hours):

You will explore the skeletal system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system, the biomechanics of movement, joint stabilization, and safe movement as it pertains to balancing, stretching, awareness, and physical limitations

Techniques and Teaching Practice (90 hours):

You will learn how to build poses safely using proper alignment principles and to cue those poses in detail with understanding the “why” of each pose, incorporating  activations of body, breath, and awareness while building each pose and linking poses together, how to cue safely and effectively, and how to incorporate the chakras in class design 

Teaching Methodology (30 hours): 

You will learn how to safely and effectively sequence a yoga class, develop class themes, pranayama techniques, meditation styles, and how to create a safe and fun learning environment 

Professional Essentials and Ethics  (10 hours):

You will learn the parameters of professionalism, code of ethics, marketing & promotion, insurance waivers, and invoicing 

Practicum (20 hours):

Students will be required to teach 1 or more 60minute vinyasa style practices, in addition to creating and leading  workshops on topics such as chakras, the eight limbs of yoga, the yoga sutras, pranayama, yoga anatomy, etc. Other students (including the lead instructor) will attend and offer feedback.  Students will also be required to teach a minimum of ten 60minute vinyasa classes as a volunteer instructor in their community. There is also required reading and writing (home study) to complete this certification, included in the non-contact hours.

Students are expected to maintain a regular yoga practice throughout their training process and journal thoughts/observations/notes on these practices afterwards.

Attendance Policy:

Each session will include a combination of lectures, discussions, and yoga practices and is designed to expand the student’s knowledge in yoga and develop their role as a yoga teacher. Each session builds on the next, so attendance for every session is mandatory and documented.

If a student has a pre-existing or unexpected circumstance arise that prevents them from attending any of the training, they are required to make up the direct contact hours with the lead instructor at an additional expense of $100/hr or during the next training offered. If you anticipate missing any of the scheduled training, please reach out to Sarah Weyenberg at prior to applying for the program. If a student misses a training time and does not notify the lead instructor, the student will be dismissed from the program and issued a refund according to the refund policy. In the event extenuating circumstances cause missed training hours, the student must meet with the lead instructor to determine if and how the student will make up missed hours; failure to do so will result in dismissal of the program. This also applies to unsatisfactory grades during the training.

Tardiness Policy:

Tardiness or leaving class early (in excess of 30 minutes)  without the prior approval of the lead instructor counts as 1 hour against the minimum required attendance of 180 contact hours and must be made up, again at the rate of $100/hr and prior to the meeting of the next session. For prior known late arrival or early departure, contact Sarah at and list in application form.

Leaves of Absence:

Leaves of absence from the program are not offered, however, due to a medical disability, a leave of absence may be granted. The student will have to re-apply for the next available session.

Probation, Dismissal, and Re-Admittance:

Students who are not progressing through the program at a satisfactory level per the assessment guidelines will meet with the lead instructor to develop a probation plan to bring the student to satisfactory levels. If the student does not progress or follow the plan, they may be dismissed from the program and the refund policy will be followed for any remaining tuition.

Students who are not fulfilling the student code of conduct are subject to written warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal at lead instructors discretion. If dismissed from the program, the refund policy will be followed for any remaining tuition. Requests for re-admission will be considered (but not guaranteed) for up to 1 year after the dismissal date

Termination from program:

Students who are dismissed from the program will be notified in writing and may appeal to the lead instructor within 3 days of the notice of termination. Appeals may be sent to Sarah Weyenberg at

Grading Policy:

In the course of this program, there will be quizzes and exams, homework, presentations, and teaching opportunities, all of which will be assessed and graded accordingly. 

Grading Scale:

Excellent: 85% or higher

Satisfactory: 75%-85%

Unsatisfactory: below 75%

Students who are below 75% will be considered on academic probation and will be notified by lead instructor. Instructor will provide additional opportunities for the student to improve. Students who are on academic probation and continue to fail after given additional supports will be dismissed from the program

Grievance Policy:

If a student has a concern about a teacher, other student, or about the program, the complaint should be brought to the lead instructor for discussion and resolution. The school and lead instructor will work with the student to achieve resolution. If no resolution is reached, the student can contact the WI Educational Approval Program for assistance by phone at 608-266-1996, by email at or by mail at:

Wisconsin Educational Approval Program

4822 Madison Yards Way

Madison, WI 53705

 SVYS has a no retaliation policy and vows to protect students who bring up grievances and will not allow any activity that could adversely impact the health, safety, or well-being of the reporting student. 

Student Code of Conduct: (see additional Code of Conduct form)

Ethics are at the very core of yoga and this program expects the best of its students. 

Students are expected to behave in a professional manner, including but not limited to:

*No bullying, targeting, verbal or written abuse of any kind to fellow students or instructors 

*No exclusion of fellow teacher training students

*No sexual harassment of any kind

*No substance abuse during training hours

*No breach of confidentiality regarding other students or instructor personal information

*No plagiarism or cheating of any kind

*No engaging in disruptive behavior that impedes fellow student’s ability to learn 

Any student who engages in inappropriate or unsafe behavior is subject to dismissal of the program; the refund policy will be followed for any remaining tuition. 

Anti-Harassment Policy:

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School prohibits sexual misconduct, defined as any unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advance including requests for sexual favors, sexual touching, and verbal, visual, or physical conduct that creates a sexually hostile environment in a yoga class or studio. 

Teachers must maintain a professional relationship with their students, which includes creating and maintaining boundaries and a safe environment of mutual respect.

Refund Policy:

The student will receive a full refund of all money (including the $100 application fee) if the student:

  1. cancels within the 3 business day cancellation period under SPS 406.03

  2. Accepted was unqualified and the school did not secure a disclaimer under SPS 409.04

  3. Enrollment was procured as the result of  misrepresentation in the written materials used by the school or in oral representations made by or on behalf of the school 

Refunds will be made within 10 business days of cancellation 

A student who withdraws or is dismissed after attending at least 1 class, but before completing 60% of the instruction in the current enrollment period is entitled to a pro rata refund as follows:

1 class but less than 10% of program = 90% refund of tuition

10% but less than 20% = 80% refund of tuition

20% but less than 30% = 70% refund of tuition

30% but less than 40% = 60% refund of tuition

40% but less than 50% = 50% refund of tuition

50% but less than 60% = 40% refund of tuition

60% or more = no refund

Student will receive refund within 30 days of termination date

As part of this policy, the school may retain the one time application fee of $100.  If a student withdraws after completing 60% of instruction due to mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control, the school may refund a pro rata amount.

Students who wish to withdraw from the program are encouraged to notify the school in person, or by phone or email with their intent to withdraw. Students will be administratively withdrawn after missing 3 consecutive sessions  and refunded based on their last recorded date of attendance. The school will issue a refund within 30 days of dismissal.

Tuition and Fees:

One time non-refundable application fee: $100 (unless one of 3 exemptions applicable as stated above in Refund policy)

200HR YTT Program tuition: $3400 (+ cost of required texts and additional materials)

$1000 initial payment due within 7 business days of acceptance with remaining balance due 30 days prior to start of program. If student enrolls less than 30 days prior to the start of the program, then full amount is due upon acceptance.

Please make all checks payable to Shine Vinyasa Yoga School (also accepted-Venmo, cash, or PayPal-3% transaction fee added).

Upon acceptance into the school, payment must be submitted within 7 business days to hold a place in the program.

How to Apply:

To apply for the program, please schedule a private consultation with the Lead Instructor via email to Sarah at 

You will be notified within 7 business days after consult if accepted via email.

Please understand that application to the program does not guarantee acceptance. Application deadline is one month prior to start of the program. 

Within 7 days of acceptance into the program, applicants must sign the Agreement & Liability Release form, the code of ethics, and the curriculum release form, and pay their deposit (or pay in full) to ensure their spot and solidify their status as a student in the Shine Vinyasa Yoga School.

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School does not offer advance standing for any previous trainings or course work.

Shine Vinyasa Yoga School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, physical ability, martial status, sexual orientation, race, or religion. 

Shine Vinyasa School does not provide housing. If housing is needed, accommodation options will be provided upon request.

Shine Vinyasa School does not offer employment services. We will discuss job and career opportunities within the field of yoga during the training, but we do not offer career counseling or job placement. This program does not guarantee employment. For some, participating in a yoga teacher training program is about deepening their knowledge of yoga with no plans of teaching, some look to teach part time, and some seek to have yoga instruction be a full time job. All are welcome!

Graduation Requirements:

Paying for and attending this yoga teacher training program does not guarantee a final certification. In order to graduate, a student must successfully complete all requirements with a final grade of 75% or above. Grading criteria includes class participation, exams, written assignments, homework, presentations, class instruction, and attendance. Students who are not meeting the standards for graduation will be notified and given an opportunity to explore methods of improvement.

Upon graduation from program, student will receive designation as a Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT) with a 200hr designation, and,  following registration with a registering organization, such as Yoga Alliance International, a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT).

An electronic summary of student’s records are kept confidential, can only be accessed by the Lead Instructor and will be kept for 6 years. It is the student’s responsibility to keep a copy of all work and class designs. An electronic copy of a student’s completion certificate will be kept on file with SVYS indefinitely. Students may obtain additional transcripts upon request, for a fee of $10. 

After graduation from the 200YTT, students are encouraged to continue learning and growing and always be a student of yoga first and foremost. Once a student has completed the program, they are welcomed back to any portions of further 200hr certifications at no cost. Students are also encouraged to seek out continuing education courses, either through SVYS or elsewhere. Graduates of SVYS are also eligible for a discount with SVYS Teacher Mentorship Program at any time. Contact Sarah at for more details. 

Spring 2024 Program Dates & Location 

Host Location: 

The Yoga Loft 2490 Lineville Rd Green Bay, WI 54313

The Yoga Loft is a beautiful yoga studio located just minutes off of HWY 41, allowing convenient access from a variety of commuter locations. There are a variety of restaurants, coffee/juice shops, and lodging facilities nearby, in addition to grocery stores, walking trails, and parks. For recommendations on lodging and/or restaurants, please contact Sarah at 
Yoga blocks and blankets are available for use on site, along with water, tea, and refrigerator and microwave access. The Yoga Loft is handicapped accessible.

Program Dates 2024:

Immersion Weekends:

August 16th-18th 

Friday 1-7pm

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm

August 23-25th 

Friday 1-7pm

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm

September 6-8th

Friday 1-7pm 

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm

September 20th-22nd 

Friday 1-7pm

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm

October 4th-6th

Friday 1-7pm 

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm  

October 11-13th

Friday 1-7pm

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm

November 8th-10th

Friday 1-7pm

Saturday 8am-8pm

Sunday 8am-4pm

Wednesdays 5-8pm

August 14, 21, 28; September 4, 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; November 6

(Friday dinner breaks 4-4:30pm;  Saturday Lunch Breaks 11-12pm; dinner breaks 5-6pm & Sunday Lunch breaks 11-12pm approximately) 

8 Weekend Training Schedule:

Weekend 1: What is yoga; Styles of Yoga; Introduction to Yoga Philosophy; The Eight Limbs of Yoga; Role of the Teacher; Introduction to Sequencing and Cueing

Weekend 2: Introduction of all Poses discussed in training; Class design and Theming

Weekend 3: Anatomy, Physiology, and Biomechanics; Adjustments and Alignment Principles; Pranayama and the Anatomy of Breathing

Weekend 4: Chakras; Subtle Body; Koshas; Kleshas; Prana; Nadis; Sun and Moon Salutations; Introduction to Yin,  Applying the Yoga Sutras; Sanskrit Terms; Chanting, Mantras, and Mudras;

Weekend 5: Joint stabilization and Movement; Twists, Heart Openers, Hip Openers, and Chaturanga discussion; Yoga hands, yoga feet, and drishti; Relationship between asana, pranayama, & meditation

Weekend 6: Class Design, broken into class segments; Chakras and Class design & flow; Use of Music; Class Sequencing and Design, Building a yoga class; Creating a workshop; Yoga Nidra Introduction; Mind-Body Connection; practice teaching 

Weekend 7:  Continued discussion and practice on creating a yoga flow/practice; Ethical commitment; Accountability, Self Reflection, and Mentorship; Continuing Education; Class Discussion “Perfectly Imperfect” and “Yoga and the Pursuit of Happiness”; Practice teaching 

Weekend 8: Waivers, insurance, Invoicing; Code of Conduct; YA Scope of Practice; Equity in Yoga;  Applying anatomy to class design; Practice teaching; Tips for New Instructors; Practice Teaching; Always a student philosophy

Each weekend will be a combination of lecture, group discussion, integration practices, and traditional yoga and meditation practices. SVYS has the expectation that you will continue a regular, personal yoga practice outside of training hours. 

In addition to each weekend’s contact hours, there will be assigned reading, written assignments, class and/or small group projects, and an anatomy test that will count towards non-contact or home study hours. The “final exam” of this course is leading a 60 minute Vinyasa style class for fellow course participants and lead instructor. Home study assignments will be graded as Satisfactory or Needs Improvement. In the case of “needs improvement”, a student will have 1 additional opportunity to re-submit. In the case of the final exam, if the student receives a “needs improvement” grade, they will have 30 days to schedule and lead another 60 min Vinyasa style class for Lead Instructor

 Code of Conduct

As a Shine Vinyasa Yoga School certified Instructor, I agree to:

  1. Abide at all times to local, state, provincial, state, and federal laws and regulations

  2. Conduct myself in a professional manner and never provide advice and/or services where I am not properly trained or certified

  3. Never harass students, fellow trainees, peers, other teachers, or members of the public in person or online through intimidation, manipulation, hate speech, stalking, trolling, making threats, or any other form of harassment

  4. Never intentionally or unintentionally cause sexual harm- verbally, physically or otherwise- to students, teachers, peers, or members of the public 

  5. Take reasonable steps to do no harm, intentionally or unintentionally, to students, fellow trainees, peers, or members of the public through any action or inaction, including the use of drugs or alcohol (other than those prescribed by a licensed medical doctor)

  6. Not enter into romantic and/or sexual relationships with a student or trainee where I am perceived to be the Teacher,  If feelings do develop during the course of a student/teacher environment then, as a SVYS certified instructor, I will suggest the student or trainee find an alternate teacher

  7. Never discriminate against students, trainees, staff, peers, or any members of the public on the basis of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, body type, personal appearance, physical or mental ability, socioeconomic status, marital status, political activities or affiliation 

  8. Actively include and welcome all persons and, to the best of my ability, seek to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities to comply with ADA

  9. Respect student-teacher relationships and always ask for consent prior to physically assisting students, including asking for consent before photographing or capturing an images of students AND using those images on social media 

  10. Never falsely represent my professional education, training, experience, and credentials, plagiarize any copyrighted materials, including making false or exaggerated claims concerning the benefits of yoga

  11. Conduct myself keeping the foundational principles of yoga as discussed in the SVYS curriculum in mind: the Yamas (non-hamring, truthfulness, non-stealing, energy moderation/celibacy, and non-attachment) and the Niyamas (purity, contentment, self discipline, self study, and surrender 

Signed: ___________________________________________________________________